Thank you very much for your patronage of “Jun Umeda”.
この度は、「焼肉すき焼き 純 梅田本店」をご愛顧いただき、誠にありがとうございます。
We would like to inform you about our restaurant’s reservation policy.
We are very grateful that we receive many reservations every day, and there are not a few days when we are fully booked.
We are very happy to see the smiling faces of our many customers every day.
Unfortunately, however, we have been receiving an increasing number of customers who have cancelled their reservations without notice.
We are truly sorry that we won’t be able to meet you, as all of our staff members have made 100% preparations and are eagerly anticipating your visit.
So, we ask you, please.
Please do not cancel without notice.
Please come to our store with a firm resolve.
We will never make you regret.
We are glad you came to Japan, and we are glad you came to “Jun Umeda”,
We have the customer service and food that will make you say “ARIGATO” for sure.
日本に来てよかった、焼肉すき焼き 純 梅田本店にきて良かった、「ARIGATO」と必ず言わせる接客と料理が当店にはあります。
Some of our customers were not able to make reservations at that time.
We appreciate your cooperation.
※If you are unable to come to the restaurant after making a reservation,
we would appreciate it if you could contact us in advance at the address below.
From all of us at Jun Umeda.
焼肉すき焼き 純 梅田本店 スタッフ一同
Categorised in: News
店舗名 | 焼肉すき焼き 純 梅田本店 |
電話番号 | 050-5447-8016 |
営業時間 | 【ランチ】 11:00~15:00(L.O.14:30) 【ディナー】 15:00~22:30(フードL.O.21:30、ドリンクL.O.22:10) |
定休日 | なし 【10月臨時休業日】 |
アクセス | JR大阪駅 御堂筋口 徒歩4分 / 阪急線 大阪梅田駅 徒歩3分 阪神本線 大阪梅田駅 徒歩5分 / 地下鉄御堂筋線 梅田駅 徒歩5分 HEP NAVIO 7Fフロア |
お支払い方法 | 現金・交通系IC・電子マネー・各種バーコード決済・各種クレジットカード・Sポイント |
関連情報 | ■お肉の直売所:直売所 ぴゅあ 河内長野店 ■肉市場 匠の精肉:肉市場 匠の精肉(オンラインショップ) ■会社案内:JA全農ミートフーズ株式会社 |